
Born a Woman Really Grumpy

Some men may ask, why women are very easily upset and offended by the things that are considered trivial. The newest findings explain why women tend to be more irritable, prone to depression and mood quickly changes.
The study found that one in four women treated for depression than one in 10 men. Apart from social factors, the Swedish Karolinska Institute research scientist found differences in how and processes 'happy hormone' serotonin works in between the two gender.
The hormone serotonin affects happiness, satisfaction, reduce appetite and improve sleep quality. Low levels of serotonin associated with depression.
From the results of male and female brain scan, brain receptors found women different from men. Receptor cells in the brain more quickly respond to male hormones flow and nutrient flow happier than women.
Another study, scientists at the University of Montreal found that the hormone serotonin in the brains of men 52 percent more than in women. The reason, the differences in sex hormones in men and women. Sex hormones estrogen and testosterone have long been known to influence behavior, according to studies reported Neuroendokrinologi Community.
More fluctuating estrogen levels in women. Dr. Andrei Novac, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine stated, the hormone estrogen stimulates receptors in the brain.
"When hormones fluctuate, the sensitivity of brain serotonin changes. So, when estrogen is low, women are unhappy," he said as quoted by the Daily Mail.
Several factors are causes of low estrogen before menstruation (PMS), postpartum and menopause. He added that this is exacerbated by the events that create stress and trauma.
Experts suggest, fortified breakfast cereals was associated with lower stress levels and better mental health.
A study from Cardiff University shows that eating cereal reduce the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in saliva. Cereals are a rich source of B vitamins essential for cells to release energy.
In addition, protein intake, such as cheese, milk and meat are high in the amino acid tryptophan to produce serotonin, can also help menguranngi stress.

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